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Blob Applying Filter Approach and Genetic Algorithm Wrapp...

Created: 2012-05-11 02:02:28

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 Gene expression microarray data is expected to significantly aid in the development of efficient cancer diagnosis and classification platforms. One problem arising from this data is how to select a small subset of genes from thousands of genes and much fewer samples that are inherently noisy. This research deals with finding a small subset of informative genes from the gene expression data which maximize the classification accuracy and minimize the running time. This paper proposed a mo...

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Blob An Iterative GASVM-Based Method: Gene Selection and ...

Created: 2012-05-11 02:00:37

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 Microarray technology has provided biologists with the ability to measure the expression levels of thousands of genes in a single experiment. One of the urgent issues in the use of microarray data is the selection of a smaller subset of genes from the thousands of genes in the data that contributes to a disease. This selection process is difficult due to many irrelevant genes, noisy genes, and the availability of the small number of samples compared to the huge number of genes (hi...

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Blob An Improved Binary Particle Swarm Optimisation for G...

Created: 2012-05-11 01:58:19

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 The application of microarray data for cancer classification has recently gained in popularity. The main problem that needs to be addressed is the selection of a smaller subset of genes from the thousands of genes in the data that contributes to a disease. This selection process is difficult because of the availability of the small number of samples compared to the huge number of genes, many irrelevant genes, and noisy genes. Therefore, this paper proposes an improved binary parti...

File type: Adobe PDF

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Blob An Image Registration Technique To Enhance PCB Inspe...

Created: 2012-05-11 01:56:19

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 is well k*atm that renl PCB inuge inipieetio* bwal 0n rclerential ap: proaches foces misalignment problems in detecting delects betwecn a template imoge arul a ilefectiae image. Hence, o reliable image registrtion techniqre is needed to aligt, these two irnages per{utly. Henre, a rqistrution trch*irye uhich inaryorvtes affme trcnsformotion anil bi-cubic interynlation has been prcposed. Etperimental rcsults haae shown that this regishation techniqte is suitoble to be employei to obt...

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Blob A Two-Step Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Approa...

Created: 2012-05-11 01:52:33 | Last updated: 2012-05-11 01:52:34

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 Manipitetibn of wdre itzing, buffer sizing, and futffer inseriiai atu a few techniques that con be used to i,mproae tfune d,eloy 'in aery lorge su,le intqrction (VLSI) circuit routing- Thi* paper enhances an eri,sting approach, which is based on Particl,e Swarrn Optimization (PSO) fur sofuing rcuting poblem in VLil circaits. A hoo-step Binary Particle Swarm Optimizatdon (BPSO) apprcach, which is based on BPSO, is chosen in thi^s stuily to improue time ilelay through finding the bes...

File type: Adobe PDF

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Blob A Study of Network-based Approach for Cancer Classif...

Created: 2012-05-11 01:49:20 | Last updated: 2012-05-11 01:49:21

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 The advent of high-throughput techniques such as microarray data enabled researchers to elucidate process in a cell that fruitfully useful for pathological and medical. For such opportunities, microarray gene expression data have been explored and applied for various types of studies e.g. gene association, gene classification and construction of gene network. Unfortunately, since gene expression data naturally have a few of samples and thousands of genes, this leads to a biologi...

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Blob A Parallelizing Interface for K-Means Type Clusterin...

Created: 2012-05-11 01:46:24

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 The k-means clustering algorithm and neural network batch training becomes computationally intensive when the manipulated data is large. One way to reduce the computational demand of such techniques is to execute them in a concurrent manner. Unfortunately, the effort required to implement these techniques in a distributed computing environment remains daunting. Much of the work takes place when partitioning and distributing workloads over processors in the distributed computing environm...

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Blob A New Hybrid Firefly Algorithm for Complex and Nonli...

Created: 2012-05-11 01:44:17 | Last updated: 2012-05-11 01:44:18

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 Global optimization methods play an important role to solve many real-world problems. However, the implementation of single methods is excessively preventive for high dimensionality and nonlinear problems, especially in term of the accuracy of finding best solutions and convergence speed performance. In recent years, hybrid optimization methods have shown potential achievements to overcome such challenges. In this paper, a new hybrid optimization method called Hybrid Evolutionary ...

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Blob A Hybrid of SVM and SCAD with Group-specific Tuning ...

Created: 2012-05-11 01:39:36

Credits: User Mohd Saberi

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 The incorporation of pathway data into the microarray analysis had lead to a new era in advance understanding of biological processes. However, this advancement is limited by the two issues in quality of pathway data. First, the pathway data are usually made from the biological context free, when it comes to a specific cellular process (e.g. lung cancer development), it can be that only several genes within pathways are responsible for the corresponding cellular process. Second, p...

File type: Adobe PDF

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Blob ir

Created: 2012-05-10 13:55:41

Credits: User Momo66323

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 it test

File type: PowerPoint 2007 presentation

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